Our family lives in the southeast part of the state of Wisconsin
on a seven acre farm. We have been enjoying raising
rabbits, llamas and alpacas for the past 19 years.
We specialize in quality rabbits, yarns and fiber.
I am currently a member of the Spindle
and Dyepot Spinners Guild, Eastern Wisconsin Machine
Knitters Guild.
I enjoy hand spinning and weaving along with teaching this
art to 4-H members and others. I keep myself busy
throughout the
day managing the farm, spinning, weaving
and devoting a lot of my time
volunteering. I spent this
volunteer time as a 4-H leader, as an
officer and committee
chairman for rabbit clubs along with currentally holding the
office of President and Web Master for the
Spindle and
Dyepot Spinners Guild newsletter. I designed and pioneered
the Rabbit Hopping program in Waukesha County and for the
Wisconsin State fair where I now hold the position of Rabbit
Hopping superintendent
I have won several Best in Show and Grand Champion
awards for my spinning and weaving in local, state and
national competition.
Fiber and Rabbit Class
Up Coming Classes
See the "Spinning Classes" page.2014 Fiber Festival Classes
"Drum Carding : Beyond the Basics"
-Wisconsin Spring Spin In
- Demonstration and Educational talk
on Angora rabbit and Rabbit Hopping
Great Lakes Pet Expo
February 1, 2014
2013 Fiber Festival Classes
-"All about the Angora Rabbit" Held at the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool festival
in Jefferson, Sept 6-8 (www.wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com)
-" What Will Angora Do For You"Held at the Wisconsin Sheepand Wool festival in Jefferson, Sept 6-8
-"Durm Carding - Beyond the Basics" Held at the Wisconsin
Spin in Waukesha Expo Center April 19-21. ( www.wispinin .org)
-" Fox Tail Art Fair" Held at the historic campus of Aurora
Behavioral Health
1220 Dewey Avenue, Wauwatosa, Wi Demonstrating with my
rabbits spinning and shearing. June 1
2012 Fiber Festival Classes
" Hop, Spin, Knit"
Learn about the different breeds of wool rabbits,
their care, harvesting and spinning their fiber.
-Wisconsin Spring Spin In
April 19- 21 , 2012 ( www.wispinin .org )
- Stephenson County Fiber Arts Fair
April 15, 2012
( www.suzybeggin.com/FAF.htm )
- Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival
September 7-9, 2012
( www.wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com)
Class title "Hop To It"
2011 Fiber Festival Classes
- No classes scheduled for 2011
2010 Fiber Festival Classes
"Magnificent Seven Wool Rabbits"
- Stephenson County Fiber Arts Fair-
April 17, 2010 - Cederville, Illinois
2009 Fiber Festival Classes
- Wisconsin Spin In - October 30 -
November 1, 2009, Washington County, WI
Morgan has been working very
hard showing her rabbits in national,
state and 4-H shows . Her interests were
devoted to the American Fuzzy Lop and
Angora rabbit breeds. Morgan has achieved
numerous awards for her rabbits and personal
achievements in all three organizations.

Morgan is very proud of earning her "Master
Breeder" award from the national American Fuzzy
Lop Club in 2007 and being the
WSRBA Royalty
Princess, Duchess and Queen. She is now a
graduate of Winona college
and past employee
at the Mayo Clinic as a Clinical Laboratory
Scientist. She currently moved back to Wisconsin to
continue her career as a Lab Manager at
Waukesha Memorial Hospital.

National show 2007

Educational talk on Angoras at the Great Lakes Pet Expo 2014
Rabbit Hopping at The Waukesha County fair 2014